Roon, Qobuz, Lyngdorf, Bluesound and Sonos

Don’t know/remember as it doesn’t impact my chromecast endpoint use cases. My spouse doesn’t listen to music that needs gapless playback, just random 80s pop songs.

Single speaker output so no pairing. But, when I played around with pairing the ones I had, (for both stereo and just grouped playback in different rooms, I did it in Home which presented the paired units to Roon as a single target ouput.

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That’s good. Thank you for sharing.

Theoretically, BluOS devices would play nicer with Roon as they support Roon’s native RAAT protocol (and accept higher resolution signal). In practice Bluesound breaks compatibility pretty regularly, and then you have to do a factory reset, or not do a factory reset, or roll back firmware.

When it works, it works quite well though.

If you get Pulse Flex, it is self-contained and does not need anything else. Node needs speakers and amplifier, and PowerNode/PowerNode Edge only need speakers.

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