Roon Radio doesn’t play from Queue... it just plays from LAST song

I don’t understand the hype about Roon Radio. It seems kind of dumb to me. It doesn’t analyze the full Queue I’ve just played, only the last song. I played a Qobuz playlist of Classic Jazz and the very last tune in the playlist was more modern, and from that point forward Roon Radio only played modern “stuff”. What’s up with THAT? Do I have a setting wrong or something? I would hope that for the money, Roon would be much more sophisticated than just using an algorithm to find songs similar to last song played vs the 50 songs I just played in a playlist. Am I doing something wrong??? I hope so, otherwise, Roon Radio sure doesn’t seem to offer much. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

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I just play full albums. However, when an album finishes, Roon radio seems to play music similiar to the album I just listened to.

Radio plays of track, album, genre or artist. Not queue.

While this is what the KB-article says, the text in the queue says something different.


But from another PoV, the last track is the only track remaining in the (upcoming) queue when Roon Radio kicks in 30 seconds before the track ends to determine the next track.

Doesn’t from the entire queue then :slight_smile:

What is a “queue”?
Should Roon base its radio on the tracks listened to in the last hour, or the last ten tracks or since the current session started? It’s not clear and that’s why I guess they go off the last track only.

Personally I think it would be a nice feature if the user could define how many tracks to use. I often jump between genres and it would be interesting to see the resulting suggestions

I typically clear my queue after listening to a particular playlist or genre, so my view is…the whole damn queue is the queue that the algorithms should be using. I never have, for example, a queue of classical music along with jazz and rock…I have one genre at a time in the queue. So, for me, analyze the damn queue…ALL OF IT, not just the last track. I swear Pandora does a way better job of this than Roon. To me, Roon Radio is basically useless. Others see it differently, use it differently, etc. and that’s all fine, but I sure wish, like you, that Roon would provide some user control of what Roon radio is using for “the queue”. My issue is that the description suggests something other than what it does (from my perspective” and I really dislike companies over promising and under delivering. Drives me crazy.

Here’s a great example of just how bad Roon can be. Machine learning needs a reboot. Look at the album playing vs what Roon thinks are similar albums. Really? As another example, I had a violin sonata playlist going, and at the end, Roon Radio’s first choice was a contemporary album with no classical music. What the heck?

Color me very unimpressed! The machine learning system needs to go back to school and learn some new tricks.