Roon Remote on a zero trust VPN?

Is it possible to run Remote using a zero trust VPN? I’m using Nord VPN meshnet from my Windows laptop and it’s pretty terrible. Roon Remote on my does load but it takes at least a few tries to get it, and by the 6th song i usually get pauses.

My laptop is on wired ethernet, on gigabit, so my internet should be good. I tried setting up wireguard for Remote but couldn’t get it to work. As far as zero trust, i couldn’t get zero tier to work either. Nord VPN meshnet has been the only one that works for me. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Yes i use Tailscale and it works to control just fine , but you won’t get local playback working reliably via the remotes audio output if out of the Roon server lan on the remote device. Roons discovery protocols for this do not work over vpn solutions reliably without a lot of tinkering. They may pop up once or twice but also disappear without trace.

I see, well what kinds of tinkering? I’m not opposed to tinkering, i’m actually graduating with a Cybersecurity degree soon, i just can’t find any guides i can follow on how to get this working, and i’m still a bit of a noob lol.

And fwiw, Meshnet works consistently inconsistent, meaning i may have to close the Roon remote app 5-15 times to get the zone to load outside the local LAN, but eventually, it does. It’s like once the app gets 2-3 songs playing consistently, then i can expect about 10-15 songs to play without skipping or closing the app again, depending on my cell service. If i can get better performance thru a day or so of tinkering and troubleshooting i’d be down. I saw some routers even come with VPNS like Wireguard pre installed, and i’d be willing to make that investment. Certainly beats a Roon Core lol

No idea I haven’t bothered trying. But it I believe you need to forward UDP Multicasts which Roon uses for discovery. As you have found occasionally some get through likely on one of the random ports Roon uses. I find something similar with the pc app. I have all Roon and Hifi zones on a seperate vlan and my app on my regular VLan works for discovery of remote but not always for playback. When computers vpn is active on the same pc for work I loose the audio straight away. If you search around you will find some post on UDP Proxy that helped some get it to work. Tbh it’s just too much hassle I just use ARC and Tailscale so I don’t need any port forwarding.

I just wish we could get Roon Advanced Audio Transport on arc… not sure why this isn’t the case already, ARC just sounds slightly worse compared to RAAT

It’s not designed for low bandwidth high latency networks, ARCs engine is. Can’t say it sounds any worse to me when using same headphones.