Has anyone experienced trying to search artists within Roon where the Roon software just hangs and becomes non-responsive. I have to restart the Roon server software on my nucleus multiple times for it to quit being non-responsive. Any advice on how to resolve this issue?
Roon nucleus server (1.8 Roon Server Software)
Running Roon software on iMac running the latest version of Catalina.
Having a similar issue using 1.8 - which is a new problem with search for me. Hadn’t really had a problem with search in the past. Sometimes had to try a couple different search inputs, and usually found what I was looking for. The last few days - a whole different story. Go look for an artist (in the latest case - David Friedman - Weaving Through Motion) - not there, not by looking for Friedman, album title. Zip - nada. Go to Qobuz or Tidal apps - no problem. hmmm. Rip the CD and add manually, et voila, there’s my rip, and the versions available from Q & T (?!) WTH?