Roon search sucking... Please provide examples

806 destroyed the mediocre search function - It has been said that nothing was changed, that could have caused this. But it happened. It is a fact and the many posts in this thread since the 806 update show, that SEARCH got even worse. (I actually thought this was not possible)

I personally do not trust it anymore - the results are vage or simply wrong and NEVER complete. So exploring my music has become rather difficult. Was this not supposed to be Roons main attraction?
Guess it all a use case, if one is happy being told by Roon what to listen to and not the album you actually searched, then Roon is great.

Sure it was stated that fixing would take time - but come on this is an absolute top priority.
Also ignoring the fact that whatever was done in 806 either in the code or on the server at Roon, has made it much worse.

Do you really believe that all the people posting just suddenly started posting so many examples - just for the fun of it? It is since SEARCH got much worse - and not because it is just as bad as it always was.