Roon server 1365

Not all beta programs are run the same way. Windows Insider builds are nearly always ahead (depending on which stream you subscribe to) - sometimes so far ahead that they include features that never reach production.

For Roon, as @mjw says, a release build is usually, but not always, the same as the last early release build that preceded it. There have been occaisions when a production release has been issued with an important bug fix while ommitting other early release fixes/features for which the early release is still liable to have issues.

There can be, as is the case now as was the case until an hour ago, quite a delay between a production release, and a new early access release that builds upon that production release. The current release is now 8 days old and, as at the time of writing, there is until an hour ago, there was no early access release that is ahead of that release (at least for everything except ARC)

The link below, that I posted in my first reply, tells your which is ahead - early release or production and is update as appropriate every time a new release - early or production, is issued:

Actually, it appears that there is a new early access release (1367) issued today - which is ahead for all components (except bridge which has not changed in a long time):

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