Roon Server and Convolution

Scenario: I run Roon Server from a headless MacMini connected to DAC. Playing is controlled from iPad or MacBook running Roon (full control, core, and output functionality).

Q1: Can I load a Convolution filter from Roon Server? If so, I cannot figure how.

Q2: Can I load a Convolution filter from Roon on the MacBook, and play through the MacMini/DAC? If So…

Q3: Am I correct to assume that that Macbook with Roon (control, core, and output) should be up and running for Roon Server to use the Convolution filter?

Lost in this convolution affair, I would be grateful for any help.

Many thanks,


You can upload a convolution filter from any Roon Remote application on Windows or MacOS. In your case, from your MacBook or MacMini (running Roon Remote).
The convolution filters are automatically uploaded to the Roon Server. If you upload the filters from your MacBook, they will be uploaded immediately to the Roon Server running on you Mac Mini. Convolution will work even if your MacBook is switched off.

On your questions:
Q1: all convolution filters are uploaded to Roon Server. A Roon remote interface on MacOS or Windows is required.
Q2: yep
Q3: for convolution to work, you only need your Core to be up and running.