Roon Server - Headless - Windows - After 2.0.25

Nothing here yet (mid Atlantic USA).

You install the one unified installer (there is no other anymore) but you can only run the server part and not the GUI if it’s headless (somewhat obviously)

I installed the 2.0 (build 1353) on 5 of my Mac machines (one of them is used as a Roon Server), 4 on my Windows 11 desktops, laptop varieties, 2 as Ubuntu servers. The installations have been done seamlessly.

The surprising thing is to me that Roon 2.0 1353 figures out automatically that which machine/server was used previously as a Roon Server, and which ones were used as Roon Remotes.

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That is fine. But on new PC? What happens than? That part I don’t understand :frowning:


Why Roon Server can not be run as a simple Windows Service?
Why I have to logon to Windows to run the Roon Server? In case of headless windows server I have to set user login to be performed automatically, which is not good from security point of view…


It is the same as before, if you stop or disconnect from a Roon Server running a different PC, the Roon app on your new PC will prompt if you want to use this PC or this Roon app as a Roon Server.

THX @Imperial_Line - If possible, it would be nice with a screenshot.

Have a nice Sunday


The decision of Roon Labs to run Roon Server in User Space rather than as a Windows Service was made a long time ago. I suspect the reasons still stand.


My Headless Win 11 23H2 updated today, and there was no ill effects.
The GUI part didn’t start automatically, but the server did/does.
And, i can start the GUI part within an RDP session, even fullscreen works pretty good!


I’m still waiting for the update to arrive on my Win 11 running roonserver #1311. The update is not shared with me yet, but I expect to get it soon (tomorrow the latest, to make it in the week-of-release)

I switched my Roon server from Win11 to Ubuntu Server because I was sick of being tied to login while headless. Also Win updates and restarts sucked. My Linux Roon server running on a dedicated Dell Optiplex Micro has been working untouched for over a year now.

My update was announced yesterday evening and executed. Worked smoothly without any issues on W11. There are great performance improvements in the interface in Roon and ARC. Superb work :+1:

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A while not running as a service, you can set up a scheduled task to run Roon Server at system startup whether a user or logged in or not.

I have 2.0.25 running on Windows 2019 server, and Roon starts up fine after the server reboots without me logging into it.

Apart from one failed Roon update a few months ago, there’s been no issues since I started using Roon late last year. It’s been set and forget (with Windows handling its security updates as needed).

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