Roon server turns on automatically

For many years I have a nice with Roon Rock. At night I shut it of, but the last weeks the core is on in the morning. After a few hours it turn’s itself on.
I changed nothing.
Anybody an idea?

I expect the answer is ‘no’, but you haven’t been doing anything with ‘Wake on Lab’ have you?

That is a way to turn on ROCK without touching the machine.

There may also be BIOS settings to power on at a particular time of day but it’s difficult to imagine how this would get set accidentally.

And, with either the RTC time or WOL method, I can’t see why the device would power on and then power off some time later.

I have configured WOL on my iPad. But didn’t changed anything. Also did not change the bios.
I delete the core from the WOL app.

I still have this issue. If I turn off my Nuc, after 2 hours the nuc turn on by itself.