Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
I have a i7 PC with windows 10, 8GB ram and two 2TB HDD’s and one 2TB NAS. I have a Mytek Manhattan II to play music through. All are wire connected. Roon was installed some months ago and it did analyse my library at that time.
The speed of the Roon is now better but I had to restart the PC 3 times; no sure why. Just to let you know I (after I waited some minutes for Roon to respond) was able to start playing music from my library and this worked also at the time when Roon didn’t respond at all?
Can I bother you with other matters? When Roon was responding again I tried to look at the settings. Found two odd things:
a. Roon has found the Mytek and I listen to music but at the settings/audio section is a message that the Mytek is uncertified. What is this?
b. In the settings/library there is the “Background Audio Analysis Speed” and there is ma rotating circle indicating that it is working on this. But the counter does not change rom zero - always shows 0/5697.