Roon spammed my Tidal Favorites when setting up! [RESOLVED]

Yup, correct.

OK - so I found all the albums added in the last week and tagged them with my own tag: “To be deleted?”. My plan was to un-tag the albums I want to keep in my Library/Favorites. But I can’t find a way to bulk untag - I have to go into each and every album an right click the tag?

Select the Tag so that it shows all your tagged albums. Now right click (or long press) each album that you want to remove from the tag. Now click the 3 dots menu at the top of the screen and select Remove from Tag.

Cheers, Greg

OK - I have now successfully reversed the changes Roon made on my Tidal albums list on the initial setup. It was not straightforward, because Roon also added lots of other audio files that was on my computer. Since I couldn’t just delete all albums added when Roon was set up, I had to manually go through it - until I found the Tidal-filter…

What I did was:
1 select all albums added in the last week since it was a few days ago.
2 Tag all of them with a new tag (I named it something like “Added by Roon - Delete” )
3 The I had to check that the list didn’t contain any local files - because deleting local files will delet the actual files on your hard drive.
4 I found a way to Focus (aka filter) the selection to only include Tidal tracks: Focus - Format - Tidal. This was very useful
5 Then I checked for albums I wanted to keep in my list. To bulk remove tags, I had to use my Android phone or my Win10 PC. My 2013 MacBook Air didn’t show the option - you should get a second 3-dot meny (@mike)
6 I selected all (left click on album, then click “select all” (left top corner)
7 I clicked Edit - Delete Albums
8 Roon will show you a list of all the tracks in all the albums. This was a bit confusing and made it harder to double check the list (I had more than 6000 tracks to check), since I was selecting albums, not tracks (@mike ?)
9 Then I got a very nice and explicit warning that told me I was about to delete my local files permanently, and remove the Tidal tracks from my Tidal favorites.

I was wondering - will deleting local tracks move them to the recycle bin (which would be better) or actually delete them permanently

That depends on the underlying operating system and how it has configured.
(My music files are on a QNAP NAS, and I have it setup to move files to recycle rather than deleting them.)

To know for sure on your setup … I’d suggest you take a back of an album and then try it.

Mind you should always have a backup to guard against the unexpected.
(I have two one onsite and one offsite.)