Roon streaming and Sound quality

I am new to Roon and am trying it out in the free trial period.
I am running it on my PC with an iPad and the remote.
I have a high end audio system and am loosing sound quality.

My question is if the new Roon One might be good enough to solve that - or if it has to be another version hardware - or if there are other options to stream from Tidal without loosing anything……?

This is much more likely the way Roon (or Tidal within Roon) is configured in settings.

Whilst Roon Servers on different platforms have different ways of performing system level operations (OS upgrades, storage addition etc), the actual Roon Server application is the same on all platforms.

What do you mean by:

Do you mean that you are only getting 44.1kHz 16 bit streams from Tidal?

If so, you might like to check that in Roon → Settings → Services → Tidal , streaming quality is set to ‘Max’.

If not, you might want to post a screen shot of your signal path like:

It should be noted that in the above signal path, I do not have a bit perfect transmission because I have a -3dB headroom set. This is actually required with this particular endpoint because the IOaudIO Pi-DAC+ suffers from ‘inter-sample overs’ meaning that, some full scale audio can suffer clipping (and thus and audio degradation) in the anolog domain without it.

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Set Tidal settings in Settings Services to Max. Then ensure you choose the correct version to play. Unlike any other app Roon exposes all versions of an album on the streaming platform this may include CD quality, MQA, HiRes and occasionally AAC (if thats all its available in) so make sure you pick the one you want.

I only have Qobuz but same thing applies choose the highest tier in the settings,

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Thanks for the answer.
I meant that the sound was not as good, clear and detailed as when I am streaming directly without Roon - noticed with my ears :blush::notes::notes:

Show your signal path when playing to determine any obvious things you may have setup wrong. You can do this from now playing area and click on the dot on the far left.

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How did you get Signal path : Enhanced ? I only get Lossles…

Enhanced just means that some form of DSP is involved. In my case, it was the headroom adjustment. In the signal path posted by @CrystalGipsy above, he has got Volume Levelling, Sample Rate Conversion and the Sigma-Delta modulator (conversion to DSD) all contributing to the ‘enhanced’ status.

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Using Muse DSP features.

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If you are listening to the exact same track:

Did you volume match to 0.2 dB with a measuring device before comparing Roon and your other source? Because that’s the most likely cause. The human perception cannot consciously distinguish a loudness difference smaller than 1 dB, but it hears it as a quality difference. Louder is perceived as better.

Thanks for quick answering :slightly_smiling_face:

That isn’t what I asked you to show.

Click on the signal path dot to bring up your signal path and then take another screenshot.

You have a green dot which means your likely using Airplay and you are not using its Roon Ready input to the Primare which is what you should be using… Go to Roons setting/audio, you should see your Primare under a section called Roon Ready, enable this and disable any others you have activated for it. Also check your on up to date firmware. You server is on the same subnet of you network as the streamer.

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