Roon Streaming to AVP

I have roon streaming via airplay to several individual denon speakers through out the house and it works great but at cd quality. Not a big deal since they are more for background music. However I would like to use it from my android to stream from my NAS and Qobuz hires files to my AVP. The AVP will support chromecast so I guess I could stream 24/96 but what roon ready device is there that could connect to the APV and pass hires music? What would that looks like? ie roon remote app>roon ready device>AVP. This would use the room protocol I would assume at least to the roon ready device.

Simplest and cheapest would likely be a Raspberry Pi (If you can find one) running RoPieee . You will get full Roon Ready RAAT

It depends on your inputs as to whether you can go USB from the Pi to the AVP, or if you’ll need a converter HAT like the Allo Digione to Co-ax

Oh wow. Is there another solution ,as in Node, even though there are costs involved? Since the Marantz AV10 APV will probably never be roon ready just trying to figure out what else might work.

Is the sampling rate for RAAT higher than Chromecast which is 24/96 max?

Unlimited for all practical intents and purposes as long as the endpoint allows. 192/24 is common but people use DSD512 and RAAT as such can probably go even higher

If I were doing this, I’d go for a micro PC. It should come pre-loaded with W11 so all you have to do is add Roon Bridge. Connect to the AVP via HDMI. Look at the MeLE Quieter series.

So the NAS has Roon Core installed and I assume Roon Bridge can’t be installed on a NAS? If it could then I could connect the NAS to the AVP via HDMI.

Sure and the bridge will installed with the core installation.
Sometimes I’m using the HDMI out of my QNAP connected to an AVP and play then multichannel sources.

How did you install Roon Bridge on your NAS? Did you install linux or windows and then Bridge on that?

RAAT is Roon’s transfer protocol it’s only limited by input , so if you feed it 24/192 it will transfer 24/192 Bit Perfect

So I’m trying to figure out without using a laptop how to send hires music from my NAS and Qobuz to my AV10 which currently doesn’t support Qobuz using Roon. If a bridge was installed Roon core would connect to that over RAAT but would the bridge be able to send hires and Qobuz to my AV10?

Yes that should work as the AV10 has digital inputs, e.g. USB, although it isn’t on the official Roon Ready list

I guess the next question is using Ubuntu on the NAS could I install Roon bridge on that? If so I assume the Core (which is also on the NAS) will see the Bridge and be able to send to the AV10 via RAAT. The Marantz AV10 is new so its not on the list yet. I’ve tested with Roon and I would say its “Roon Tested” but of course isn’t “Roon Ready” otherwise I wouldn’t need the bridge.

If you are running the Core on the NAS why would you need the Bridge and not just use the digital output of the NAS (assuming it has one because the Bridge would need it anyway) into the AV10 by using the Core’s local output. What am I missing?

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I have the QNAP NAS connected to the AV10 via HDMI, however its indicated for desktop station and QNAP tells me is doesn’t support audio out. So I’m stuck. I don’t think it has a digital optical out either.

Again: The bridge will installed with the core installation.

Do you’ve installed the alsa package?

The Bridge won’t change that then, as @Burkhardt_Petermann says. The Bridge is surely just a stripped-down Core without GUI and Server

Ok, I’ve confused I didn’t know CORE has the bridge installed too.
I don’t have the alsa package installed. What does that do and how can i get it? Its not a normal QNAP app.

i was thinking the bridge would allow RAAT to the AV10 via the network?