Roon TUI: A Roon Remote for the terminal - New: Zone Presets (v0.3.1)

Are you using Linux Subsystem for Windows here? I think that sets up a VLAN which prevents core discovery. What might work is setting up Ubuntu in a Virtual Box VM using bridged networking. But I understand if you do not want to go that route.

Core discovery is quick, i.e. when it works.

Strange that even that doesn’t help. I want to investigate if I can add the option to directly supply the IP address of the core at startup, hoping that bypassing discovery solves your problem.


Thanks Jan I will be building a separate Ubuntu box for some other work in the near future.

As it is I get the same result from two different Windows boxes and I do think this is environmental but I have no idea what. I run your Extension Manager and RooExtend with no issue and used to run DietPi in a similar way.

I will be happy to test it with an IP option as well.

It is a neat little retro project you have developed and it would be good to get it working


I used 7zip to create the file. Maybe next time I should try the inbuilt Windows way.

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Jan in my testing it is only the Zip file which gets the warning.
Once extracted there are no more warnings, But Chrome and Windows Defender really don’t want me to open the file :thinking:

I have uploaded the last two to VirusTotal and only 2 warnings about the file

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Jan - just wanted to say this worked out of the box on Mint 21.2. Very nicely done too.

I may use the source as an introduction to teaching myself Rust…

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Not sure it is a good source for learning, but feel free to do so.

Version 0.0.7 of Roon TUI is now available!

This release adds one new feature and that is the option to specify the IP address and port number of your Roon Server on the command line, this then bypasses the discovery mechanism of the Roon API. This might be helpful in setups with different subnets, when a VM is used, etc.

Use your Roon Remote and select Settings→Displays from the hamburger menu to find the address and port in the Web display URL, e.g.:

roon-tui -i -p 9330

Now that there are multiple command line options, some restructuring was required. If you use the earlier introduced option to specify the location of the config.json file you now have to supply the path after the -c option:

roon-tui -c ~/.config/roon-tui/config.json

The README has been updated with a description of the available options.

@Michael_Harris, I’m curious if specifying the server directly allows you to use Roon TUI.


Jan that is great thanks.
I will be home soon and I will jump on and have a look and let you know

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Hi Jan this time instant success

after enabling I see everything as expected and I am able to manipulate the queue etc

So out of curiosity I tried to run it without any parameters and that was the same as before so there is still something strange going on.

Thank you @Jan_Koudijs .

@Jan_Koudijs this is fabulous. Yeah, I do like the full interface for lot of reasons. But this is so, um, snappy. Not saying it’s perfectly easy to navigate (for some reason ctrl-up and ctrl-down are mapped to some other things on my mac yadda yadda) but I’m not really a terminal native kind of person. Right now I have the native mac terminal colors, and it’s a little hard to see what pane I have selected. All readily fixed by someone who better knows what they’re up to than I do. But this just makes control so much faster, and, dare I say it, more reliable. Really interesting project. Fascinated by where this goes, because I can imagine it getting slightly heavier, and being really really tempting to use this instead of the full app on my computer. Totally love this. Have been wanting something snappier for a while, this is it.

@Nepherte Bart - incredible thanks for making it real simple on mac by sharing your tap. Probably wouldn’t have gotten there on my own. Stupid n00b question - when the upstream version updates, how do I update using your tap?

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Happy to see people are using my tap.

You can either wait till I bump the version myself and update the tap (which is in about 2 hours).

Or, you can reinstall use brew’s —HEAD option, which my tap supports. This will always pull the latest code from Jan’s GitHub repository:

brew reinstall —HEAD roon-tui

Personally, I would suggest you wait :slight_smile: I typically update it even before Jan has made the announcement here but this time it happened while I was in bed sleeping :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh don’t worry - I’m happy to wait, I’m asking the dumbest of dumb guy questions here. Once you’ve bumped the version, what do I do to update - just reissue brew install --formula roon-tui or something more?

Thank you!

To update, you would

  1. fetch the latest install definitions: brew update.
  2. Install all pending updates: brew upgrade.

These commands operate system-wide and affect everything you’ve installed through brew. There’s very few reasons not to keep everything up to date :slight_smile:

Should you really insist, you can upgrade individual pieces by running the reinstall command without —HEAD as mentioned before. You’d still have to run brew update prior to this.

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@Johnny_Ooooops It’s there now :slight_smile:



Something specific to the discovery mechanism gets hindered; UDP ports, subnets, broadcasts, …

If this isn’t blocking anything else you want to do on this system, I would leave it at this. Specifying the IP and port directly has no disadvantage, apart from the incidental time that the value changes due to some setup or Roon change.

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Thanks for the nice review @Johnny_Ooooops!

Definitely the goal that the snappiness stays, it somehow has to compensate for the lack of graphics and the basic feature set :slight_smile:

There’s a few things I find myself wishing for. Please don’t take these as requests so much as "here’s one guy’s use case and ramblings’. I can’t imagine what it’s like to support any project let alone a one-person project, so I’m incredibly grateful. And as a non-developer I feel funny mentioning things that I think could make it better. But, all that said, on the list of things that would be “nice”:

  • Easier to see which panel is selected (I can’t tell if it’s bold or what on my bog-standard Mac terminal, works way better on Termius) - some inverted color block in the title or something would be nice
  • a pop-up that displays the key bindings if you hit “?” or “ctrl-?” or something like that, accompanied by a hint in the “footer” of the main page which indicates the key combo for this help panel
  • the ability to modify the key bindings eventually if you decide that this is a long-term supportible project - this would be crazy right now, I wouldn’t do it. But if you still have momentum in six months and people are using it, this would be great
  • bind a key like “Ctrl-S” globally to the search pop-up - and have that hint also visible in the footer - I find that’s how I’m using the interface on my mac is via search more than traversing. [I wish that search also popped playlists whose names or contents contained the search term, but that’s a Roon issue]

Anyways, it’s interesting - I do find that I’m still using the phone app and iPad app, but when I’m at my Mac it’s so much quicker to leave a terminal window open and search.

Thank you thank you!


Also, in case it helps anyone else out, I tried to install on a Raspberry Pi4, and I had trouble with rust. Turns out the default install doesn’t successfully install rustc or cargo. The trick is to use the default command, but then select “custom install” and then change the default host triple to arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf. For some reason DietPi misidentifies itself. Hope this helps someone else!

Thank you Jan I see this as hopefully a great additional way to use Roon and as mentioned elsewhere it does feel really fast and looks retro Cool.

The changes you have made are great thanks :+1: