Roon upsampling with Allo USBridge and DietPi

Hi johan,

Please confirm that Furutech ADL Stratos DAC can play Native DSD 256 via USBridge, like via Ropieee? If that’s correct, I would by USBridge. And discount code if available, thank you & good day.

Le Ninh I just received by USBridge and am trying to get it working with my also new Brooklyn DAC+. I seem to have the same original problem as @jtwrace in that I can’t get DSD Native to show up in Roon. I have to use the same ‘DSD over PCM’ option but nothing more. Since it’s almost been a year since you say you fixed this, I’m wondering what the fix is exactly. I installed my USBridge and updated to the latest DietPi 6.11 using the diet-update process instead of the Allo GUI as I read that that didn’t work any longer and to use SSH to do the updating. But my Brooklyn DAC+ is limited as per this original issue. Can you guide to exactly how I resolve this? Thanks.

It’s likely that driver for dietpi is not advertising it can do it. I had this on my Arcam dac recently and Allo support built a new driver that could. Your best contacting

Allo tried to help but Mytek was beyond useless in helping them. I sold the Mytek due to pathetic customer service. They would literally take weeks to respond back and then when they did they acted like they had no idea what was being asked and just kicked the can down the road. Too many dacs out there for that nonsense! Probably not the news you want to hear but that was my reality.

Well that is frustrating. I’ve invested over $2k in my Brooklyn DAC only to find out that my USBridge is the likely problem in this chain. I read elsewhere that the SOTM products don’t have this problem and the Brooklyn shows up as Native DSD. So can you please advise here on the solution. Also, if you DO have a driver that fixes this, why is it not included in the latest Dietpi so this issue is resolved for new customers like me? I have a lot of DSD audio files and thought I had the right chain of devices to have all this work. I’m likely to return the USBridge and get another Roon-Ready device that works with the Brooklyn if there is no fix.

@jtwrace what DAC did you end up replacing your Brooklyn with?

PS Audio DirectStream with Bridge II

Thanks. That’s almost a $5k increase over the Brooklyn. Surely there must be something in the Brooklyn range or close to it?

I confirmed the SMS-200 has added native DSD for the Brooklyn DAC+. So depending on what comes back with in the next day or two I’ll make my decision to return the USBridge for an SMS-200 in the chain.

What were the other reasons you swapped DACs other than Mytek support? I really can’t justify $6900 for my DAC.

You can buy them for much less. I wanted an all in one box. Pre with Remote Vol, streamer and DSD capable dac. Not much in that category under $10k.

I am considering the Auralic Altair.

The kernel used by the Allo USBridge is very old, so kernel changes have to be patched by Allo.

If your setup works, then fine, but otherwise you may be out of luck.

It’s a nice piece of hardware but unfortunately the software leaves something to be desired.

@jtwrace What is a reasonable street price for the PS Audio DAC you bought? Just trying to weigh options here.

@badboygolf16v Yes, I think I understand the issue now. I had some concerns about the @ALLO_audio_boards having an older software environment and learned of this when asking whether Roopie would be supporting the USBridge. That developer said that he wouldn’t given how old the kernel was. Now it appears to be an issue with supporting new DACs. SOTM doesn’t have this issue as they are releasing new DAC support pretty regularly, including the Brooklyn DAC+.

I appear to have made a mistake in buying the USBridge. I’m sure it’s great if you just want PCM playback but I want native DSD on this DAC and it just doesn’t work. Will contact Allo about a return.

Thanks for the input.