Roon uses erroneous data even after those data are removed from MusicBrainz's database

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Please notice that Roon shows Fritz Lohner-Beda as the lyricist of “The Song Is Ended (But the Melody Lingers On).”

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Local files.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Please notice that MusicBrainz now correctly shows Irving Berlin as the lyricist of this song. I spent more than a few hours trying to disassociate Fritz Lohner-Beda and this song in MusicBrainz’s database. Though I finally succeeded, his name remains in Roon’s database. What is the point of removing erroneous entries in MusicBrainz’s database if Roon continues to use them after they are removed?

When did you make the change? Presumably it takes some time to trickle through

I assumed that Roon’s database is linked to MusicBrainz’s database such that changes are implemented immediately rather than manually.

I don’t know if a Musicbrainz-internal approval is necessary first before new content is available via the API. Hopefully, else every idiot with an account could wreck your Roon.

Most likely Roon gets updates on some schedule anyway, surely there isn’t a real-time connection

It takes days or an ill defined longer period to update.
Don’t know why just noticed over the years that “you will notice as some point” is the update info.
Also remember roon is taking the us, European databases and merging them then adding in all the other sources they use then applying it to their own databases.

This reply is for you and Suedkiez.

After researching Roon’s FAQs, I found a suggestion to click on the album, click on the 3 dots, and try to re-scan and re-analyze the album. After trying both, I looked at the credits for the song again. The erroneous entry is gone, replaced by the correct credit. But now the song title line no longer shows any credits. To see them, I have to click on the 3 dots to the right of the song title. FYI, this song had 9 credits in total both before and after this change in lyricist credit.

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