This morning I used Arc with the inbuilt Tailscale VPN. Port forwarding and UPnP off in my router.
It works.
However, I experienced at least 4 stoppages of playback during my hours drive. I have done this drive before and under normal circumstances (port forwarding) I don’t.
Prior to coming back I disabled the inbuilt VPN, accessed my router remotely and enabled port forwarding.
I took the same route home (almost) and if anything may have had worse mobile data speeds but Arc didn’t stop playback.
I’ll set it back up, but I won’t be able to test until Monday.
I don’t plan on trying it on my Rock. But I’m excited this is being considered as the next update. I can’t use ARC at moment (since my internet is CG-NAT).
Really not seen that behaviour with Tailscale and ARc but I am not using RoonOs. In my case on iOS always detects if device is actually using cellular or WiFi and switches the bandwith format accordingly as I have set in the settings.
This is interesting. Is there anything else you can share about this behavior? Is it specific to iOS or Android? Is this being treated as a bug that will get fixed?
When I tested it again last night with Arc using the VPN, Streaming from Qobuz or local content was converted to MP3. It was set to balanced. So it didn’t playback as lossless as it would on WiFi.
What I did observe was a sense of lag in selections and pressing play over that of using port forwarding.
This implementation is really exciting! I have never been able to get ARC working while at the office (even though Plex does). But I set it up this morning while rushing out the door and it works flawlessly! Thank you RoonLabs! Be prepared to get lots of feedback from me about the ARC app. I’ve already discovered some missing features that I think would be great to have…