Roon's Playlist Improver - Feedback Thread!

It does nothing to your library unless you manually change a linked album.


It looks like it will be good once the bugs are squashed. Match to Library doesn’t see some matches for identified albums Roon Search can find in my library, and it can’t find some albums it claims are playable in the Qobuz library. I think I’ll wait. No point in half-assing it.

I’m not experiencing any of those issues. It just works. I was able to improve 51 playlist with little to no effort. Then, with a little effort found and added 518 higher resolution Tidal and Qobuz albums to my Roon library.


Lucky for you! I found problems within ten minutes of fooling with it. I no longer let myself get stressed or waste time when Roon fails. I just relaunch it and play something else.
And Roon can’t even find “Detectorists” by Johnny Flynn, even though both Qobuz and Tidal have it in their catalogs. It told me it doesn’t exist and should be deleted from my playlist…

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not me, it just destroyed my playlists.

Now that I got this to run on my iPad, it has the exact same issues as my PC.

  1. It does not detect any tracks that are no longer available on TIDAL. I know there are many in my playlists, but none are detected.
  2. upgrading to higher quality tracks seems to add anywhere from 50 to 300 tracks to my playlists at random. I tested one this am, it detected 3 tracks it found better versions of, so I chose to accept the fix. All that was done is 50 duplicate tracks were randomly added to my playlist!!!
  3. removing duplicates, is glitchy. Sometimes it works, sometimes they disappear then reappear.
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What works for me is to cycle through the 4 steps several times until the number of Upgrade quality tracks reaches a constant number. Then, use the down arrow to examine each of those and go to Versions and add (or not) the suggested improvement. Then cycle through another time or two. I have both Tidal and Qobuz and this feature works very well for me. It does once in a while get confused about MQA vs other formats, but I can ignore those or accept those. It’s my decision using Versions. I run this on a laptop, not a phone or tablet.

EDIT: At the end, if you click Match to library, you will lose any Quality upgrades you did if you did not actually add the better album to your library or the better album was already in your library.

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Brilliant idea. Wouldn’t work for me until I discovered that the problem was tracks in the playlist no longer available on Tidal. Once these are removed it works!

If you click Match to library, that will undo your Upgrades unless you actually added the better albums to your Roon library or they were already in your Roon library.

I also have upgraded and do not have the “improver” button

Mine did mysteriously show up the next day when I opened Roon… but there still are some flaws not finding missing tracks that are in reality missing.

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Given all the re-doing and futzing, “It just works” is a bit misleading.

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Not misleading at all. It just works for me because I know how to use it. It’s not a one-click solution. But, if you feel it’s too involved, don’t use it. There are a lot of Roon features I don’t use.


Love it, works great, thanks!

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Any idea why I don’t have this new playlist improver? I am running the latest server and remote. Not sure why I don’t get this :frowning:

Pretty much the same for me. I ended up with playlists with sometimes 3 versions of the same track. Took ages to go through and delete the duplicates :frowning:

When I click the Improve button and then let Roon make the upgrades, the Improve button often reappears seconds later with exactly the same (or even worse) number of suggested edits.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Broken playlist… Again!

Maybe I’m too dumb but I don’t see the button if I open a playlist

Is my Roon outdated? It says it’s up to date :thinking:

I want my playlist to get its music in higher quality as all tracks in this list point to MP3s in my library.

Anny suggestions?
:pray: :pray: :pray:

I’m not sure, but i assume this “album” is not identified in Roon?
You don’t happen to have any other playlist based on tracks from identified albums?

Edit: Tried a similar maneouvre, created a playlist with tracks from an unidentified “album”/collection of tracks and no, the tracks are not replaceable…

This “upgrade quality” feature is good enough that I’d like to be able to run that check against my whole library to see what higher quality versions are available.

Does the higher quality search take dynamic range into account?

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