Ropiee refuses to connect to plexamp webpage

I have plex running as my media server. I have a lifetime Plex pass subscription. I wanted to use roepieee as an endpoint for plexamp. When I try to access the plexamp webpage ropieee refuses the connect. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. It doesn’t matter if I try to connect through Ropieees IP address or it’s hostname. I can access the rest Ropieee’s webpages just not the plexamp one.

Did you link ropieee via the Plex token in the UI?

Hi, Yes I did do that. The Ropieee install got corrupted, and I had to reinstall. At one point it dropped from the network. I just could not access it. After the reinstall, it was able to accept the token from Plex and it runs fine now.

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