Ropieee Bridge / Audiophonics ES9038q2m / JUST AWESOME

I just wanted to share that I built my first Raspberry Pi DAC using the audiophonics ES9038q2m and Harry ten Berge’s awesome Ropieee bridge.

I’m not sure what the “best” audio converter is, but the Audiophonics one certainly seemed to be up there in quality, and I’m totally stoked! (Also, Audiophonics got me my DAC from France to New Jersey in about 24 hours, so my immediate gratification desires were fulfilled!)

Installation was a breeze, and, more importantly, I’m listening to super high-def audio now. Harry — THANKS! Really really fun stuff, and the insane dopamine rush I’ve gotten over the last couple of months converting my library to Roon and now diving into Pi is incredibly addictive.

Also, I had been having strange problems with occasional jittery sound playing from my Roon to AirPlay. Now that the bridge is installed, those problems have gone away AND the sound is high definition.

If you haven’t created a Ropieee for yourself, I highly recommend it.

Good stuff. Thank you!