Ropieee does not see wifi network

Hi there. I have ropieee installed on a pi4, when I click the network tab a pop up box appears says scanning for wifi networks, but that box never goes away. No amount of reboots fixes it.

Perhaps pi4 is not supported?

It is.

Can you send me feedback? It’s on the ‘advanced’ tab in the web ui.


I just reflashed Ropieee on my pi3 model B. Everything works well but not my Wifi setup. When I tick the ‘Enable Wifi’ box all kinds of Wifi networks show up but not my own (2,4) network. No problem with other devices.
Rebooting has no positive effect.

@spockfish Just sent a report 28acb0058e76b550

So your saying that you actually see networks in the drop down but not your own?

Yep (however visible on all my other devices)

I’m reflashing (again) at the moment. See what happens…

Looked at the logs. I can’t see something wrong… however I see a few times some reports about under voltage.

No booting after reflash.
I’ll try another power supply tomorrow.

Raspberry pi3 here. Enabled wifi and setup my network.
But after rebooting, in the network tab, “scan for network” pop up stays there forever.
submitted feedback 020631d71995e4e5
thanks for the help!


Not sure what happened during installation, but it seems you did not had ethernet connected during that time.

I suggest you do a reflash.


I changed my power supply, everything seems to be ok.

BUT, I still cannot see my own Wifi network during the ropieee scan which is strange because all my other devices can connect without any problem to my 2,4 Wifi network. I can see networks of my neighbours in ropieee but not my own…

identifier 30f4b80617edcade

Restarting my Linksys Wifi ‘visibility’ did the job!

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Mine does the same - 624898f7f43b4122
@spockfish I just installed a new router, enabled wifi and connected to the network. Restarted the Pi, but now I only get “scan for networks”
Hope you can help.

You were right. I didn’t have ethernet connected during first boot.
Works fine now!