RoPieee in 2019

With today’s release we’re done for the year!

It has been an interesting and productive year with 21 releases!
Nothing in particular stands out, but I guess that the introduction of RoPieeeXL might be the most prolific one.

For me personally the ‘little one’ is still the most important: I’m an avid Roon user and want that experience to be as smoothly as possible.

So the most satisfying reports are the “he, RoPieee is great, it just works!”. Those make me smile, because that’s the primary idea (and focus) of RoPieee: making installation of a Roon endpoint on a Raspberry Pi accessible and easy to those that don’t have a degree in computer engineering.

Looking forward to 2020 I think there’s enough on the plate. There is a huge list of wishes and feature requests, so I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna run out of stuff to do :wink:

There’s a large group of people I want to thank: in general the Roon team for an amazing product, all RoPieee’s users that shared their feedback, all those of you that sent me a donation and some more.

I’d like to thank 2 persons specifically:

For those that like RoPieee and want to contribute: here’s a friendly reminder to RoPieee’s donation page:

I wish everyone a very healthy and musical 2020!

Warm Regards,

Harry ten Berge


Thank YOU Harry. RoPieee makes Roon work for me, it is my Roon endpoint of choice.

Happy New Year to you Harry

Thanks very much Harry. My NewYears Resolution: send a donation.

Thanks Harry, love Ropieee. Ropieee really finishes off the whole Roon experience.

@spockfish Harry you have exceeded all expectations and then some. Have a Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year. I’m very appreciative of the development thus far. As you can tell by the image below.

A 3rd donation has been made to you. I suggest others do the same.

All the best mate.

Interestingly the RPi4 runs a lot hotter…good thing I have some heatsinks on the way this week.


RoPieee is a significant contributor to our musical listening household. It is no secret that I am a big fan. Thank you Harry @spockfish for creating RoPieee, for helping to enable Roon for so many people. Annus novus in gaudio.

Another donation made.