Ropieee on RPi Zero 2 W

Has anyone successfully run Ropieee on the Pi Zero 2 W? My only concern is that it only has 512MB RAM on board. How well does it run?

I have been running one as an endpoint for a while with no issue. Works as well as the pi4 as far as my experience. Use the pi 3 image when flashing.

Edit: I think it can all be done via wifi now as well. When I did mine I needed a usb network adapter for the initial connection.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

I’ve got two of them running RoPieee, no issues with current versions.

Here’s a post with some links to the HAT/case/headers I used.

Yep, no problems here and just as Craig I had to use a network adaptor so I cannot say if wireless updates/install works (but knowing Ropieee it should without any problem).