Salvage history as a playlist

I spent an hour with my honey, jumping around in the library, playing this and that as our fancy took us. Relationships were non-obvious: some were captured in the database, some came from old memories. I lovely evening!

Afterwards, I realized that this was in fact a really cool playlist, something I may want to do again. Maybe play it through the same, or more likely random-surf in.

So my suggestion: you do keep history, let me pick up the history and turn it into a playlist. Of course, I want only a part of the history, so we need some simple structure, maybe hierarchically by date or hour, select by shift-click. Detail editing like deleting occasional items I can do in the playlist later.

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Hi Anders,
you can do this already. I used to do this in Sooloos frequently in exactly the same circumstance as you describe (although my ‘honey’ not yours :wink: ). I have maybe 15-20 specific sessions saved that way.
In Roon, go to the history. Highlight the relevant tracks and save to a playlist. Job done.

Love when I’m anticipated.

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shift click works just fine on mac/pc – on tablets, once you’ve long clicked to select 1 item, you will have to do many taps.

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Now tablet users can “Select All” from a top left menu after making an initial selection.