Scratch & Dent Nucleus on Amazon

You’re using terms I did not use. I said computer. I should have said a general purpose Dell XPS 15 laptop computer with i7 processor, 6 cores, 32 gigs or RAM, and 1TB SSD drive, running Windows 10 Home Edition at my house. It’s not an assertion. It’s a fact. I said nothing about a “similarly-configured (dedicated) computer.” You said that.

Not to belabour the obvious, but it’s self-evident that a nucleus will “work better” than a much less powerful computer or even than a much more powerful computer which is also devoted other tasks.

So, yes, “similarly-configured” and “dedicated” are relevant adjectives, which a reasonable person might assume were being applied, even if that was not stated explicitly. While it may have been clear to you that’s not what you meant, it wasn’t clear to me and — more relevantly — perhaps not to the OP.

Glad we clarified …

I don’t think it is self evident that a Nucleus will work better than a computer of any kind to a person who doesn’t already know that. I simply was encouraging the OP to buy a nucleus because it would work better than a computer.

I just ordered an N+ on Amazon US today. I didn’t realize they were all out of stock and didn’t read this thread until this evening. Amazon has a shipping date of the 16th through the 23rd. I hope one comes in for me on the 16th as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

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A post was split to a new topic: Nucleus for sale

What does this mean, please? What kind of penalty and why?

So I just bought a Node 2i not too long ago? What issues are you having? Should I have buyers remorse? Did I do a bad?

Roon 1.7 on Roon OS is far more efficient in CPU and memory usage than Roon 1.6 and earlier on any platform or Roon 1.7 on other platforms.

Is .Net on the Roadmap for Roon 1.8 on Linux?