Please implement scrolling track titles for internet radio streams if the source does so.
For example, WFMT (Chicago) scrolls track titles, as can be seen in other streaming software apps. However, Roon’s display is static, showing only the first few words of the track. This is a loss of information, which is important for any music genre or recording where multiple track information fields disambiguate the music.
It would also be nice to implement scrolling track info catenation as a settings option, in a general sense. However, my request here is more specific – if an internet radio stream provides scrolling track info, then we should also.
(I thank discussion at another thread for this technical correction.) Actually, what the supplier is doing is to provide a very long track title on a single line, possibly catenated from multiple fields and re-rendered at their end. The point remains: Roon should display the whole track title as given from the supplier, scrolling if needed.
There is further discussion of this matter at the Roon Community thread linked below.
Thank you.