Search improvements needed

I agree that search as it stands is pretty inadequate and it’s good to hear that the Roon team are working on this.

Thinking about my own use (I mostly listen to Classical), I realise that nearly all of my searches fall into the following categories:-

  • a particular performance of a work, e.g. Beethoven Piano Concerto No 5 played by Stephen Kovacevich

  • all performances of a particular work, e.g. Beethoven Piano Concert No 5, Bach Brandenburg Concerto No 2. As @mvrlogins points out this just doesn’t work at the moment

  • all performances by a particular artist

Some sort of advanced search where you can specify a search by composer, work, conductor, etc. would be great.

I appreciate that a lot can be done in the excellent Focus window, but a more powerful search would definitely help.

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