Search >what am i doing wrong?

Wanted to find an album
Phish concert from 6-25-19
The title of the album is 2019-06-25
The top result was 1977-05-25 MTX (picture attached)
Titles also listed did at least have 2019 in the title but 2019-06-25 wasnt…every other month was but no 06.

So ive heard the ton of criticism of ROON search but i wouldnt have expected to get 1977-05-25 MTX as a top hit …without knowing for certain it seems a search for that title would find that show pretty easily
So what am i doing wrong?
Thank you

No need to continue this thread
I just figured out what im doing wrong
Thank u

Is it an album in your library? If so, then don’t use search, use the filter option on the Albums.

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