Selected genre tab in NRFY not saved when navigating back [Ticket In]

Scroll position is not really fixed, at least not where I expected a fix:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to “New releases for you” (I use Qobuz)
  2. Select a tab other than “All Albums”
  3. Scroll down
  4. Select an album
  5. Navigate back

Scroll position is saved, but selected tab is now “All Albums”, so I have the Pop/Rock scroll position applied to the All Albums tab, omg… Switching to Pop/Rock again of course starts then over at the very top…


Hey @Boris_Schaedler,

Thanks so much for sharing this! We’re thankful for how thorough you were and for sharing repro steps.

Our team actually has a ticket on this that they’re working on. We’ll make sure to update when the issue is resolved.

In the meantime, a big thank you for your patience :blush: :pray:

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Thanks for fixing so many of the scrolling issues with 1.8 (806). Looking forward to this one getting attention too.

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I just updated to b806 yesterday and have noticed this issue as well. I’m glad to hear Roon support is aware and working on this.

Any news on this? It doesn’t appear to be fixed for me.

Funny thing is that if you navigate in the same way the Tidal/Genre/New releases/Album, it works properly. I mean, if you navigate back from Album you are taken to the previous screen, not to all. Hope this makes sense…

I didn’t noticed this mentioned in the new update (850).

Has this been fixed? (A number of reported issues with 850 has me hesitant to update yet, so I’ve not tested this.)

Not sure, seems to be fixed somehow… But it took less than a minute to find new (old?) bugs related to this topic. Electronic should not be displayed empty (wrong scroll position, one has to scroll to make items visible):

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