Selekt DSM Edition Organik DAC - sample rate conversion

Hi guys. The Organik DAC has a maximum sample rate of 384kHz. Do you do any PCM upsampling in Roon and what settings/filter do you use? Or you stream it native to Linn? Thanks!

I think the best option is to keep everything simple, if you have an expensive DAC which does it’s own upsampling etc, then send everything straight to the DAC, Why mess with the audio stream twice, once in Roon and then again in the DAC.


I agree but I think that Organik is not upsampling, I believe it’s playing natively. I could be mistaken, that’s why I asked this community.

I have a Linn Selekt DSM and if would be great to know if it does upsampling or not. Can’t find any information about that.


The Organik internal delta-sigma PWM modulator runs at 98.304MHz, so any incoming PCM stream needs to be first internally upsampled to 1.536MHz (*64==98.304MHz) by the upsampling filter Linn designed for the DAC.

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Thanks for that information Fernando. Where did you get this info from?
What is then your recommendation for external upsampling? Yey or ney

From Linn Selekt DSM Edition Hub Review | StereoNET International. and arithmetic.

I don’t upsample for my Linn systems, nor do I feel the need to try, even though I have an HQPlayer server for my Holo headphone DACs.

I listen to Roon/Qobuz via my Linn Klimax DS3 with Organik/ Utopik upgrades.
Used to use an Akurate DS/Katalyst.
When the Organik Dac was available to listen/Demo i decided to go up to Klimax level by purchasing a ‘new to me’ KDS3/Katalyst.
Took this into Loud n Clear Glasgow to have a good listen to the Organik difference.
I ordered the new DaC upgrade immediately.
I liked the performance of the NGDSM,but £35k was too steep for me at the time.
I believe my KDS has 80%+ performance of the new streamer.
My wife wanted a new kitchen extension, which we did get…but i do have a £30k+ sytem to play with :slight_smile:

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