For some reason, I have HDMI one through three, but not zero, listed for my NUC. I can’t figure out how to find or enable zero. Do you happen to know?
The one labeled zero in Audio setup doesn’t appear as an output option even if I activate it. But one through three do. Also, on setup, zero doesn’t show multichannel capability, while one through three do.
Now that I have renamed “NUC” “NUC HDMI 0,” the latter appears and works as an output option, but playing multichannel through it still produces no audio, stereo or otherwise.
I see Device setup Audio device has the blue Identify this device. Use that link to identify your Marantz model. That should bring up the Roon Tested section in Setting Audio.
You may already be aware that Roon won’t play DSD stereo or MC via the HDMI connection. DSD will be converted to PCM during playback.
Edit. Roon will play MC DSD via Ethernet to Roon Ready 8 channel DSD capable DACs. That is what I use for DSD playback since it gets converted using HDMI.
I see the Maranz is already identified on the Airplay device setup.
I disabled the Airplay zones and stick to the HDMI zone for the AVR. Also leave the HDMI options disabled other than 0 that I’m using. Just me.
Roon will not play DSD on any connection to the Marantz even though the Maranz will play DSD. Same as my Denon. The Signal path will show the conversion to PCM during playback.
You would need a Roon Ready DAC for native DSD playback via Ethernet.
Unfortunately, the settings doesn’t seem to show an AirPlay option for the Marantz. And I don’t see an option to connect by Ethernet, which is how I have connected the devices.
The connection options for the Marantz would show up in the settings audio page. I posted mine here above. One connection is the HDMI, and following that either Roon Tested or Other.
As for Ethernet vs wireless for Network connectivity if you have Ethernet connected that is what is used.
Can you post a screen shot of your Settings - Audio page here?