Shifting post from Music thread

Grrrr @andybob…I didn’t want that in a sperate thread. If I had I could have done so myself!

People talk about all things music in here, including the albums they post, I don’t think that was warranted, albeit it’s a fair topic for discussion. It’s just that I specifically didn’t want it to occupy a large discussion space.

This is the post under discussion.

It was flagged by other users, is clearly off-topic and was likely to start a new discussion, so it was shifted to a location where people interested in the new discussion could continue it.

It’s just that I specifically didn’t want it to occupy a large discussion space.

There’s no button for that. Other users will comment if they are interested.


Np Andy - likely flagged by a user/s who feel/s no sense of responsibility to support artists directly.

There’s plenty of those about.

Cheers mate.

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