Show all Album in discography not only the ones in Qobuz

Hi, recently I added one Album of an artist that was missing from Qobuz (my streaming service) and NOT showing up in Roon discography as well

As soon as I added the .flac files Roon did recognize perfectly the Album and it appeared all-of-a-sudden in the discography

This means that Roon often knows discography / albums beyond the ones present in Qobuz

Why doesn’t Roon show all known albums maybe showing the ones not present in Qobuz grayed-out as they cannot be played? This would help a lot to take .flac purchasing decisions

Or am I missing something…


The discography function works by showing a a visual display of albums of a specific artist by combining albums from your local and streaming service (all 3 if you have all 3) .

What you ask would entail Roon having and maintaining a database of all artists an all of their albums IN THE WORLD . Even specialists like TiVo or MusicBrainz do not have such a comprehensive coverage.

A bit of an ask ???

It would also result in an album visible in the discography that was not available to play from any source it would be very confusing.

Well, since Roon does have additional LP from an artist (proven by the fact that they get identified when acquired by .flac files), I would start by showing them.

I’m not pretending that the LP list will be complete, but at least more complete than now… especially where Qobuz has some very very strange hole in discography

I prefer to know that a given album exists even if it’s not avail in my streaming service (more than once I did suggest missing albums to Qobuz and in a couple of cases they actually added them). But I understand someone might be happier not to know


I think it’s a case of Roon identifying the release from the metadata of your files then looking up any information online to add.

I think it might be a big ask because Tidal especially sometimes removes original copies of releases leaving remastered versions only available. Qobuz is better IMO at having both versions.
Some releases are remastered several times, there are deluxe, super deluxe versions, tour editions, then there are singles, 12" versions with extra tracks.

What about region specific versions, they sometimes have different track listings, would you want to see them all?

Some CDs have a bonus disc too.

In think it would weigh the browsing experience down potentially.

Little misunderstanding here.

I’m not asking Roon to become the most complete/best Album repository of the world. I’m just asking that if an Album is already known by Roon, but not shown because the streaming service is missing it, Roon should show it somehow (with a different marking or visual in order to be clear that the album cannot be played unless the user finds .flac files).

So no additional effort only a change in UX
