Headphones EQ…HD800, so lots of EQ required . Fortunately, the HD800 responds really well to EQ (far better than the HD800S with it’s distorted bass). These headphones are already hardware modded with the SD resonator and SBAF liner mod…
Here is my measured result from the eq settings I showed earlier. Its measured by generating the sweep tone from REW to a file, then play that file in Roon while measuring from REW with a UMIK-1 microphone (calibrated).
Not perfect, but pretty good, especially considering I sit in a bunker (beat this moving-furniture guy)
Looks a bit like mine. Are you sure that you aren’t killing too much in the bass region? In most cases you only have to kill room modes. Often very specific frequencies with their multiples.
Well here is mine. I only apply this profile to my Sonos Speakers.
My goal is to bring the mids and highs out from the Sonos. It has plenty of low’s but not enough on the lower volumes… At any rate with this profile I am able to give it a bit of life…
Note: I used some ideas from this thread
Corrections and ideas are welcome.
Sorry for the mess, It wont fit all in one image.
Here is mine! First are 2 diff attempts at room correction with Dirac followed by the parametric EQ built off that then “tuned” a bit more from internet sources. Any recs folks have to improve on that? Should I add a high shelf like Andybob?
I don’t have the time to be playing with this at present. But have been reading a bit in advance to try to educate myself in the topic. And in my readings I believe that I’ve read - in multiple places - that (for reasons I don’t understand) that PEQ should only be used to take away, never add volume. Particularly with regard to bass. Has something to do with standing waves or something.
Am I off base with that?
That’s correct, and the reason is when phase opposite sound waves meet they cancel each other, which typically happens for bass waves (I think it happens for higher frequency also, but on very small limited areas). Adjusting EQ to give +gain just means more problems, so care should be taken when you see sharp dips in frequency response. Adjusting bass when there is a wide frequency problem with no deep dip should be ok though.
I am still a noob on using the DSP engine.
Which band I need to add so I can I add bass to a setup that is lacking heavy low’s?
Thanks for the help!
Hi Fernando,
I’d suggest a “Low Shelf” filter and play with the parameters until it’s sounding how you want it. The Q factor for this filter is the steepness of the shelf. Higher is steeper. Here’s a couple of examples:
You can drag the dot around to alter frequency and gain, or enter values as you prefer. If you want to A/B a few different variations, save them as presets and swap between them.
@andybob , Thank you so much!
That purist view makes sense if it applies to the whole chain, I.e. If your speakers and room are perfect. Since they are not, it does not.
Room correction does far more for your sound than any other tweaks. If well done. Poor room correction makes things worse.
The thing is, with Roon you now have a quality implementation of the runtime. But you need to do a good job of measuring and calculating the correction. Which is not easy. Lots of discussion in these pages.
THow did you come up with this, was it pure trial and error?
I wholeheartedly agree and “brainwash” is a good word since we were taught to use expensive equipment instead to “alter” the sound such as cables, tubes etc. to create “synergy”. PEQ and room correction is so much easier, quicker (and cheaper) to implement. Having said that, I also think it’s a good idea to get to say 85-90% with equipment and then fine tune the last 10-15% with DSP. Eg. DSP is not a substitute, for say, decent amps and speakers. I have a system I am very happy with even without DSP and then I did room EQ which gave me a flat response. I tried to convinced myself the result was the “right” sound I “should” like even though I prefer a bit more bass and a slight roll off in the highs. With Roon’s PEQ, I did just that and now I am in heaven!
So, for anyone with doubts, just try it! Use the auto apply feature to A-B the sound…you’ll be amazed! Also, try HQPlayer in the chain, you’ll be amazed with the SQ.
Visit this thread on Head-Fi in fixing the sibilance on HD700. I started off from the template and then modified it to suit me. I may have deviated a bit from the template but after some experimentation this works well for me. I leave it like that for all genre and it sounds good to me.
i’ve recently been experimenting with my working office to optimise the sq of my adams. I’ve found putting up blankets and other dampening materials against the walls has helped to eliminate the upper bass resonance and as a result the soundstaging is now much better and generally the sound more natural. Ongoing…
Here is what I got so far. Experimenting to bring some low’s in to a Schiit Fulla 2 and Monolith M1060.
Currently, I’m using convolution HAF filters with crosstalk reduction, wich gives a far better stereo image. As you see on the pictures I’m adding a housecurve. As you can see I have a pair of fullrange loudspeakers (Arendal Sound 1723 Tower) that goes as low as 20 Hz.
The result is fantastic, very clean and fast basses, that goes really deep.
Thanks “pedalhead”
I´m a beginner with EQ and want to test your Settings/configuration for my HD800.
What is the setting for the band around 10k?
Kind regards, Klaus