Tomorrow is the 1st of December and if like me you have young children who still believe in the big man in red, then you know who/what the Elf on the Shelf is. Send you daily photos here. After 9 years and still plenty more years to go, I have gotten bored of this each year and normally forget to move them. This year is different. I will make an effort. My photo will follow. FYI - I have 3 of the little bugg…darlings to setup.
If you are stuck for ideas maybe folks on here can make suggestions.
Here is one.
What about setting your elf up watching the film “elf’ on a T.v, tablet or whatever you have available for when they get up.
Lewis, I’m here … virtually of course. I’m loving these elf pics. I bet your kids (and you of course) are having the best time! But what does Mrs. M think about the elves?