Software for offline playback?

What do people use these days for offline playback of their digital music? E.g. at a cottage with no internet (so no Roon)? I am a MacOS enthusiast but Linux is also a possibility. No Windows please.

I just use the native qobuz app. I just download a bunch of stuff to my phone locally.

Roon ARC also has an offline mode, seems to work relatively well, but there’s no desktop version.

Should be noted that this only works for a limited time if completely offline. ARC still needs a server check occasionally. (This isn’t very well documented).

(Plus, of course, maybe the OP would like to see album covers when offline :wink: )

Would be nice to have an offline version of Roon but I understand that doesn’t exist.
I guess I could use iTunes and airplay to endpoints but I was wondering if there is Roon-like software that just does (high quality) playback of local files over a local network? e.g. to networkable endpoints in a vacation spot without internet (and potentially without cel phone network also).

chadGPT tells me Audirvana, JRiver, and Amarra are good options… looking around the web (and at this forum) doesn’t seem like people like them much.

Roon please think about some kind of offline version of Roon for playing local files.

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If I take my Linux laptop away, I can use any media player to drive my portable USB DAC. However, I’m more likely to use this with my Android mobile, so would opt for AIMP.


You can use Roon offline with local media for 30 days. (It has to make a license check and make some reports once every 30 days). Obviously, the online features won’t work.

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I would try JRiver , once you have done a license check after install there is no need for internet connection. (Windows , Mac or Linux)

Roon will behave similarly if you have a local library on a drive connected , it needs an odd license check but for local the “internet always on” requirement was dropped ages back

It really depends how long you are going to be without internet

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Swinsian. Cheap and fast, manages huge libraries well.


Just for Mac.

I forgot about this one, thanks for the reminder.

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I find JRiver works well.

Radio Paradise allows you to download two hours of all their genre. Great for times of no internet connection (plane, car)

JRiver if you’re a nerd.

Look at Plexamp I guess if you want something more ‘friendly’. It can be run offline.
You’d basically have it on a miniPC, bring the miniPC home, plug it in, copy your crap, have it get the metadata and then you’re good to go. People really like it, not my thing but it’s apparently good. There’s also Subsonic / Navidrome type solutions that may be of interest.

JRiver is phenomenal for video (nothing except for custom solutions tops it from a VQ+AQ perspective) but unless you really enjoy a more utilitarian way of navigating your music, you may find it lacking.

Used JRiver since ~2007 or something, I love it. It used to be my music thing till HQPlayer wooed me and Roon convinced me to break up with them for music. It’s a great piece of software for music, if you don’t care about referential metadata or global identity. Nowadays, it just handles video presentation / playback.

I guess I am a former nerd. Based on comments in this thread, I installed JRMC on Ubuntu to check it out. It was removed within ten minutes. Not for me, and not what I expect from an application these days.

I like simple and straightforward, which is probably why I find Ubuntu (GNOME) a far better experience than Windows.

Plexamp is my backup, especially in the car, when ARC behaves erratic.

JRiver, definitely.
As a life time Roon user, I just use Roon for Tidal streaming and mobile play.
If you are using MacOs, windows and Linux. JRiver has the better sound quality (only my personal viewpoint) and has ability to play SACD iso and DSD file fluently.
Sometimes even wondering why I became a life time Roon user…

I resemble that statement :rofl: :rofl: :smiling_imp:

I have been a happy JRiver user for over 15 yrs

But seriously if you are prepared to dabble a bit and set up your own views it is VERY Flexible , this is my main menu, much of which Roon can’t match . Using these views , the same structure can be set up for UPnP and JRemote so you can see it on control apps.

Alas their CEO doesn’t believe in streaming audio so no Tidal/Qobuz support

Plex is still stuck in the Artist/Album/Playlist mode and is useless for classical.


JRiver user for 10 years or so here. Roon plays the music nowadays. But JRiver is my local cinema and I am doing all my tagging with it.