Some TuneIn radios cannot be played

It seems that if TuneIn returns more than one stream url for a given station, Roon fails to play the station.

Example station that fails:

Roon Core Logfile excerpt on add station action

03/16 20:13:23 Debug: [radio] AddChannelByUrl(   Radio-3-949-s9753/)
03/16 20:13:23 Debug: [radio] Munged TuneIn ID s9753
03/16 20:13:24 Debug: [radio] Scrape TuneIn success
03/16 20:13:24 Debug: [radio] walking,aac
03/16 20:13:24 Trace: [internetradio] Channel Player: Fetching URL [,aac]
03/16 20:13:24 Trace: [internetradio] Opening URL List,aac
03/16 20:13:24 Trace: [internetradio] Found URL
03/16 20:13:24 Trace: [internetradio] Found URL
03/16 20:13:24 Trace: [internetradio] Channel Player: Fetching URL []
03/16 20:13:26 Trace: [internetradio] Channel Player: Fetching URL []
03/16 20:13:27 Debug: [radio] got icy://[](
03/16 20:13:27 Debug: [radio] got icy://[](
03/16 20:13:28 Debug: [easyhttp] [2134] POST to returned after 240 ms, status code: 200
03/16 20:13:28 Info: [stats] 3399mb Virtual, 1558mb Physical, 466mb Managed, 0 Handles, 77 Threads
03/16 20:13:43 Info: [stats] 3399mb Virtual, 1558mb Physical, 466mb Managed, 0 Handles, 76 Threads

Roon Core Logfile excerpt on play added station

03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [zone europa] Playing Channel
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [zone europa] Selecting Source state=Stopped
03/16 20:14:55 Info: [zone europa] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [internetradio] Channel Player: Fetching URL [,aac]
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [europa] [Inactive] [LOADING @ 0:00] RNE Radio 3
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [musicpowerstate] music is playing, preventing idle sleep
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [internetradio] Opening URL List,aac
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [internetradio] Found URL
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [internetradio] Found URL
03/16 20:14:55 Trace: [internetradio] Channel Player: Fetching URL []
03/16 20:14:56 Trace: [internetradio] Channel Player: Fetching URL []
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [stats] 3399mb Virtual, 1558mb Physical, 467mb Managed, 0 Handles, 77 Threads
03/16 20:14:58 Trace: Attempting to play channel URL: icy://[](
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [europa] [zoneplayer] Playing: channel://icy%3a%2f%[](
03/16 20:14:58 Warn: [zoneplayer] Remote Load Failure While Opening Sound: icy://[]( IcyAudioSignal: HTTP Request to URL[icy://[](] failed
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [europa] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=MediaTooSlow]
03/16 20:14:58 Warn: [zoneplayer] couldn't play URL channel://icy%3a%2f%[]( other error
03/16 20:14:58 Warn: [zone europa] Track Stopped Due to Error
03/16 20:14:58 Trace: Attempting to play channel URL: icy://[](
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [europa] [zoneplayer] Playing: channel://icy%3a%2f%[.io](
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [zone europa] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [zone europa] OnPlayFeedback Stopped
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [zone europa] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [zone europa] Canceling Pending Sleep
03/16 20:14:58 Trace: [europa] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] RNE Radio 3
03/16 20:14:58 Warn: [zoneplayer] Remote Load Failure While Opening Sound: icy://[]( IcyAudioSignal: HTTP Request to URL[icy://[](] failed
03/16 20:14:58 Info: [europa] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=MediaTooSlow]
03/16 20:15:13 Info: [stats] 3399mb Virtual, 1558mb Physical, 467mb Managed, 0 Handles, 76 Threads

My setup

Roon Core 1.8 build 764 on ubuntu server 20.04

Roon version 1.8 build 764 on Mac OSX 11.2.2

Roon bridge version 1.7 build 571 on Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

One station that works:

Comparing logs of these three cases it seems that stations that resolve to more than one stream URLs, won’t work.

No, it’s not that tunein returns more than one stream. It often does, and in this case, one (4459dhv) is .aac and the other (4459dcq) is .mp3. I think its more the https protocol. For some reason it’s choosy about accepting connections (a simple curl wouldn’t work) and Roon wouldn’t connect.

Notwithstanding all that, why not search for RNE Radio 3 using the magnifying glass? - the station is in the main database.

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