Sonos - "Roon lost control of the audio device" after Sonos Update [Resolved: Update Sonos Firmware]

Hi everyone,

While we work on a permanent fix for this, the team has a workaround that should patch the issue and restore playback for many affected users.

This rather circuitous workaround involves starting Roon with a command-line Flag called:

Note this will prevent Sonos devices from reencoding content to FLAC, which is not an ideal or permanent solution. It’s just a workaround for now.

You will need to use a Command Line flag to start Roon. This workaround is operating-system-specific.

Here are instructions for each Operating System. You will need to replace the -storagetrace Flag (see article links below) with the -nosonosflac Flag.

  • Windows instructions
  • Mac instructions
  • Linux instructions. Note that Linux requires a command-line RoonServer restart to implement the flag (instructions for this also included in linked article).
  • RoonOS (Rock/Nucleus) Instructions

For example, on MacOS, a user would open Terminal and type the following Command Line to launch Roon with the necessary Flag for the workaround:

/Applications/ -nosonosflac

Roon will then automatically launch. Playback should then work with affected Sonos endpoints.

We recognize it’s not the most simple solution, but we wanted to provide at least one functional workaround before the weekend. Please let us know if the Command Line Flag workaround helps. We’re actively working on a permanent solution and exploring more user-friendly workarounds in the meantime.