'Sort by Random' -- shuffle which Library albums are shown

It would be great to have one more sort feature for Library albums: Sort by Random. Essentially an album shuffle. My default is Sort by Date Added only because it shows my latest additions. But it gets boring! Inevitably I see the same albums displayed, just like all the other ‘Sort by’ options. Would love a Sort by Random feature which selects albums randomly so I get to see ones I may have forgotten about, or just haven’t heard in a while. I would assume (want) this feature to produce different results every time. Possible have a shuffle button to shuffle in real time?


+1 from me. You’re right: It’s getting boring to see the same albums on the first page each time. Random sort would be the best way to be exposed to hidden parts of your library – a promise Roon once started with.

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I hope this gets enough traction to be considered. Especially now, being all cooped up and listening to music more than usual. Even the new feature of ‘New Releases For You’ (which is great) gets a bit redundant, as the same suggestions largely keep appearing.

:pray: :pray: :pray:

+1 for this feature. When you select an artist, etc. Roon sorts by artist name, most played, or album count. With this approach you wind up seeing the same artists every time, and/or you see the artists you are already listening to a lot. It would be much better if there were a “Sort By Random” feature where Roon randomly displays artists, so that there is more variety to what you are seeing. This is similar in some ways to Roon’s classic “Discover” feature, but a “Sort by Random” feature would allow you to discover your music collection more effectively within a given desired area of focus (as opposed to needing to stick to the categories that “Discover” presents to you). Thanks!

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Looks like there is a similar idea in the following feature request:

That thread has more votes at this time. Personally, I am voting for both in the hopes that one of these moves forward.

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@ moderators, not sure if both subjects in this thread and the one marked in the post just above ^^ are substantially the same enough idea to make sense to merge them. I think so, but I’ll leave it to your judgment.