Sort Tagged albums by [SOLVED]

I have a custom tag for the Late Night Tales compilation series, mainly because the automatic rules about how these get identified in Roon are pretty inconsistent, and I like to see them in one place.

There is just one problem though: I cannot see a way to view this list in anything other than ascending “Album Artist” order. Ideally, I’d like to look at these in order of release date.

Is this something you could look into for me, or if I’m missing something let me know how I could do this better under the current schema.

Never mind, I am an eejit. Just realised how to do it :smiley:

Can you elaborate? Not on your eejit status but on how you did it.

I think I know but I’m curious.

Yes, what I have in that screenshot is the bookmark as I originally saved it. Clicking on any tag hyperlink defaults you to this view (sort by album artist), shown in the screenshot above

Clicking View All (top right) and Selecting Albums gives the more familiar screen:

And to save on clicks, I just re-bookmarked with this view with Sorted by Date pre-selected.