Sorting album by date added incorrect after restoring data

I have just replaced my primary drive (240gb SSD) for a new 1TB SSD as the capacity was reaching its limit on my QNAP TS 473 despite the drive only containing system files and ROON files. (I tried all sorts of investigations as to why the space was being consumed as all the forums suggest the 240gb is sufficient, but eventually concluded I needed a bigger drive - I had not enabled snapshots due to space constraint).
After the restore from back up files set up from a schedule within ROON, everything works as expected except Roon does not sort albums in “date added” order as before. My playlists are restored ok, and in the History page it correctly lists all the recent tracks I’ve played. But the recent albums added are things I installed over a year ago - I checked I had the right filter of newest/oldest in the right order.
While this is not the end of the world, its a bit frustrating as I can’t find easily albums and artists I added following recent ROON Radio discoveries.
Is this a software glitch or is there a missed setting I need to adjust?