Sound quality of Qobuz via Roon vs Qobuz direct

I have two DIRAC NADs, paid the extra for the full range. Best thing ever.


PCM in 1937, Alec Reeves came up with the idea of Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). Was based on making Telephony less noisy.

“PCM offers a greater improvement in signal-to-noise than other systems. By using binary (on-off) PCM, a high-quality signal can be obtained under conditions of noise and interference so bad that it is just possible to recognize the presence of each pulse. Further, by using regenerative repeaters which detect the presence or absence of pulses and then emit reshaped, respaced pulses, the initial signal-to-noise ratio can be maintained through a long chain of repeaters.”

Exactly. As I said, it was well established over fifty years ago, network wide.

I’ve compared Astral Weeks Van Morrison’s track on both Roon and Qobuz and there is a Glassy tone in Roon when compared with Qobuz. They are definitely very different and does not sound good to me. Ever since the Update it has not sounded right.

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