Sound quality of Roon build 537 [retracted claim]

It appears there has been a retraction of B537 altering sound quality.

59 minutes ago



Well, well, well… Pity that they could not/did not post direct on this thread to correct the original assertions… But it is indeed good that they have publicly stated that the earlier comments regarding loss of SQ due to the Roon update were not correctly representing

Heads up for everyone though… please do not pile-on, and try to be as nice as possible.

I happen to know what Taiko Audio did to make things “sound better”, but it would be inappropriate for me to spill their internal details. You will have to ask them. I agree with some of their choices (nothing to do with CPU core allocation or anything noted above), and because those changes were made at the same time as the Roon update, the confusion is understandable.

Our position remains the same, nothing changed related to audio in 537. It shouldn’t sound better or worse than the previous build(s). Given that all claims were non-measurable, non-reproducible, anecdotal, and unexplainable, we are holding the position that any SQ improvements or degradations are in the environment that lives outside the Roon software.



At least, they were big enough to admit their mistake.

@Edward_Hsu1, it’s OK everyone gets egg on their face, eventually.
In spite of your position with the company, you probably didn’t get all the memos.


Snake oil peddlers

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I wouldn’t call them “snake oil peddlers”. I would say that you just need to be careful who you give “credit” for a change when both parties make changes. In this case, Roon got “credit” for a lowering of sound quality when it wasn’t their change that caused it.


I don’t think snake oil peddlers is fitting. Snake oil promises something it doesn’t deliver. High-end (high cost) server makers deliver on what they say for the most part. A finely crafted computer, power supply, etc.

Many find a less costly alternative fits the bill but it doesn’t diminish the ‘value’ derived by those that own a costly one.

I spent a year or so running Rock on various old retired PCs and it sounded great. I enjoy listening using my Pink Faun server more. It will be 2 years old in July.

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However, the snake oil part is the implication that paying more will somehow give you more functionality.

And there’s the whole “more is less” conundrum. High-end equipment is by its very nature less purchased and less examined, less reviewed, than less expensive stuff. Small-batch manufacture has quality-control problems that mass-produced items don’t. And so on.

There is always an opportunity cost. So the “diminished value” would be the things you aren’t buying with the money you wasted on an overpriced item.

Hmm, I don’t see them touting more functionality, arguably less than a NUC or general PC.

I don’t agree that there’s always opportunity cost involved, strictly by the definition, yes… but some number of thousands of $ spend is not terribly measurable nor significant for some, perhaps many.

I agree too many choices can and does lead to paralysis but the market sets the number of choices ultimately with their choice to spend/support or not.

QC can be an issue for small number manufacturers luckily I’ve not experienced it or was able to resolve it myself and yet have with mass produced items and not been able to resolve it either myself or through support. Luck of the draw I suppose. Sometimes hand crafted items are worth supporting, just like art and music.

BLAHAHAHAHAHA!! I love it! :rofl: So it turns out it was just their 24k server that sounded crappy :rofl: Man, if that were me, I would be SO embarrassed right now :grimacing:

Embarrassed? Interesting. Why would you feel embarrassed?

I think the only one that might be a bit embarrassed is Emile for not doing his due diligence before making statements or perhaps that’s part of his sales technique to maintain the caché. I don’t know.

I don’t for a moment believe the server ever sounded crappy. It may have changed but never crappy.

I am saying if I were Edward or Emile that I would be embarrassed that I blamed Roon and tried to explain how the update cause a negative change in sound quality, when it had nothing to do with Roon. Pretty similar to what you just said. I also don’t think their server ever sound crappy, I am just going by what their customers were saying.


Well, I call BS… this whole thread is nothing more than an advertising gig. We even have Roon Labs COO endorsing a ($24k) server “which can makes things ‘sound better’”. No such thing as bad press.

Hear me now and forever, we make no claims one way or the other about SQ of servers!

I can tell you they made a change and they claim it made a difference. The change was that they removed something that was “messing up” the sound after Roon already outputted the sound. They were the ones that introduced that thing in the first place.

We do not endorse their products nor would I advise you to buy one. There are provably better ways to spend $24k, ranging from equipment that is designed to render/alter sound all the way to passive room elements such as curtains.

If their goal was advertising, they really messed up.


Whilst the OP mentioned Taiko Audio, he was actually complaining that B537 impacted his Innuous server too. Was he imagining things or have Innuous made any related statements on B537?

This is my guess. I’ve seen zero actionable evidence.


Do these 24k audiophile server peddlers have evidence that they sound better than any other computer/server/transport?

Would love to see the results of a double blind test between one of their servers and a standard Intel nuc based rock installation.

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Well it appears with a bit of software you can make it go from sounding like a crock of … to rather good, maybe that’s how they sell them from a blind test.

Why? It isn’t as if the NUC (or even a Nucleus) can claim functional equivalence to a device outputting in multiple formats. Let’s just be satisfied that this has been cleared up to the satisfaction of all parties, and that the OP who brought his concerns to us now knows where to look if he still thinks there is an issue with his Innuos device.
What I am most pleased about was that Roon and in particular Danny went after this right. Asked the right questions, cancelled the noise from (so called) consultants and got to the bottom of the issue by engaging with the right people there. :clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5:


Agreed, good show on Roon’s part.