Sound quality of Roon

I’m really close to cancelling my subscription because I just cannot get the sound as good as other servers/ software.Is there any benefit to adding a linear ps to my NUC.Sorry if this is a repeated topic.

Nope. NUCs have switching power regulators onboard that immediately re-condition any power coming in.

Do you have any details on how exactly it sounds worse? And, what is your setup like?

I have several set ups but mainly use a Sim audio moon transport into a Benchmark dac or an Audio Note dac.Ethernet wired , NUC is on a different circuit , use streaming via Qobuz or local files via Melco.Using Roon the sound is a little muffled and a step down in resolution fron using the Sim Audio software.I have removed all the filters and everything else I can disable.

Maybe show us a screenshot of your signal path pop up window, which appears when clicking on the colored star bottom center.

Your description rather sounds like a slight level difference than anything secretly happening to the digital data, so we got to make sure you’re not unknowingly using volume leveling i.e.


Hello David,
try the speaker set-up filter and set the gain in steps of 0.5 higher (don’t go to high) maybe this helps to open up the music. I use always fixed volume output in roon and regulate the volume on the amplifier