Speaker cable recommendations

I’m definitely on the objective end of the scale and my preference is to keep speaker cables out of the equation altogether. It’s one of the joys of active speakers. I know a lot less about the analogue side of things than digital and have surprised myself by noticing cable differences on occasion. I learned that long lengths of unbalanced cable can cause HF roll off by ear, the theory lesson came second.

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I have found that each system is different, from speaker dynamics and tuning to electronics…and finding a match to link them together, ie. Cables is no small feat!
You will know when they are in harmony.
My previous system had Purist Audio Design speaker cables, and had an immense soundstage and detail…but now with all different components, I had to sell those, and the search began for new ones…found that ‘’Nordost Tyr 2’’speaker cables were the perfect answer…for me and my new electronics and speakers…never knew that my new system would come alive like this…things change and our ears as well……have fun and compare…its a hoot!