Spotify announce lossless streaming

A nd yet, a week ago, one of the sites I follow stated that Spotify has just hit 114M subscribers. I’m sure we could find several more figures. The article I saw also stated that figure probably included the free trial subscription. The truth is, NOBOBY really knows. I doubt if the head honchos at Spotify really know, either. The main thing of importance, in my mind, is that they are losing money, and a good bit of it. It will be interesting to see if this change will alter their financial course.

Well Tidal has certainly been losing money too . I’m not sure any music service is making money .

in fact, with Spotify’s current m.o., it is 100% impossible.

in 2022, we will see QoTidalDeezerSpot, as four streaming services get combined into one.

That somehow would not surprise me , leaving Spotify and Apple to fight it out.

Spotify is publicly traded, so they have to disclose:

It may be required, but is it truthful?? Companies have lied on their reports in the past, and they will again. Whether this is an accurate report, or not, I have no idea. But as I saw information posted last week that differed substantially, it’s obvious that not all the facts are indeed facts. Whether it’s the posters or Spotify that are spreading untruths, I don’t know. But I will keep an open mind that this report may be 100% accurate, or 100% misleading.

The SEC frowns on material misrepresentations. So do shareholders.

That would be highly illegal in the US.

It’s very difficult to detect, and fines are far less than they should be, based on cases I have read about throughout the last fifty plus years.

So was half the stuff going on in recent years, but nothing has been keeping it from happening. The U.S. seems to have shoved respect for law and order into a pigeonhole that is near impossible to find, at least as far as corporations are concerned. And, in rare cases where action is taken, it seems to always the little guy they go after. Probably because the little guy can’t afford to put up a fight.

thanks for clarifying. i understand with spotify the ball is on their side .

but what about with deezer or amazon hd. or apple music (when it becomes cd quality)
can you explain why do you need data dumps only and cannot find an alternate solution with api’s or adapters.

IMO, asking for data dumps can be construed as an unreasonable demand by many.does this mean no other integrations will happen.just because tidal and qobuzz agreed does not mean every other service provider will agree to this integration approach.
may be data dumps gives you richer integration, but can roon not envision a slightly less enhanced and less richer integration with fewer features for some service providers as. a trade off but will give customer more content and service provider options.

this is your subjective opinion. the answers are neither satisfactory nor it needs closure as of now and needs more discussion from my and many other perspective
i. have asked why they need only data dumps in first place.
so please continue to ignore if you are so satisfied, rather than muzzling other folk’s voices by asking for. a thread to be closed

Umm, yeah, no need to close a thread, I agree. But did you not read what the CEO had to say? Best to do that and then we can all move on. And considering Roon’s approach to their own software, do you really think they are going to do a 180 so as to integrate services that really have no interest in integrating with them - data dumps or no data dumps? Last I’ll say on this so feel free to soldier on. I’m sure Danny’s got better things to do than re-answer non-starter integration questions (and come to think of it so do I).

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whether danny and is team has better things or not, is subjective.integrating more providers is certainly a better and more important thing. what if tidal and qobuz or not viable in the future and close down.or more important there is so much content in amazon hd or deezer or spotify which is no where to be found in qobuz/tidal.
i would have no problem and insisting and reminding roon that integrating more providers by changing their approach and architecture is certainly a important thing and ask from customers like me.

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Roon management doesn’t need us to tell them how to run their company.


Maybe they do not Jim but it is a well documented fact that a lot of great American companies have bit the dust solely to poor management.

It does not hurt for the upper echelon to listen to their consumer base would you agree?

Probably not in the format and fashion presented here. When a customer post that he is insisting Roon do this or that, I stop listening. I think Roon management knows who the players are and how they want to compete and maybe integrate with some of them. They have been at this for a while.

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In what conceivable way could Roon integrate Spotify? It doesn’t matter how many Roon customers make suggestions, it won’t happen. What have Spotify got to gain from this? A little dose of market realism might be called for here.

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We don’t know what we don’t know…