Star rating rather than just like?

I’ve just started using Roon and love it so far. I’ve been letting Roon Radio pick stuff for me as a test.

If this feature is already there, sorry, I haven’t been able to find it. I have just found the like button…

How about a 5 star system?
Surely this would make the jukebox algorithm better at picking stuff you really like. One could have a filter - ‘Skew towards my favourites’.

Also, a ‘never play it’ would be useful. There are plenty of albums where there are song I really never want to hear of it.


Yep really useful stuff. There is another thread somewhere to the same effect for the track star ratings. Be wonderful to see it happen but no word either way yet from Roon peeps.

I like the addition of weighting the radio towards higher stars or not. Too.

That’s already there for both albums and tracks. The “heart” icon for both has three states: Off, Favourite, and Ban. Clicking (or touching) the icon cycles through the three states.

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