Static IP address

Hi, I’m just about to have optic fibre broadband installed by a Coy called Toob and I am getting a static IP address how do add this to my Roon server on Windows 11 I have a small windows 11 computer which I have Roon server installed on at the moment.

Assuming you are talking about a single IPv4 address being issue by the ISP, then this static IP address only affects the WAN side of your router. The LAN side will typically be configured just the same - for example a address range on the router LAN side (netmask of Other configurations are possible as long as non-routable ip-address ranges are used on the LAN side.


The LAN side could have a different IP from the previous router.

If so and you have a Static IP (recommended) assigned to your Server, then you will need to change the IP on the server to the same subnet on the new router and hopefully every thing else should fall in place.


Or you can just change the LAN side IP address and netmask of the new router to match that of the old router - and then all devices will work as before (providing any port forwarding rules are also copied).

I have always done this - because it is a lot easier to change the settings of one device - the router - than to change multiple networked devices around the home.

I do the same for WiFi. I use the SSID and key from the old router on the new router - then I don’t have to go around changing WiFi settings on all of my mobile devices.

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Thanks for all the answers i have been onto Toob and the engineer will make sure everything is up and running before he leaves.

I have Toob and opted for the static IP. It works well and the 900/900 speeds are pretty good.