Still appreciate MQA access via Roon

Even MQA themselves never claimed anything quite so ridiculous, and indeed it would be impossible based even on MQA’s description of how it works.

But some people do prefer extra noise and lossy compression…


And probably Tidal is imposing this on Roon and Roon has no saying in this?


Bingo, it’s really just that simple.

Roon does not own or control Tidal, Square/Block owns Tidal. People should contact Tidal and stop ragging on Roon about this.

Lenbrook now owns MQA. People who are interested to see what they plan to do with MQA should contact them.

Complaining to Roon makes as much sense as calling a Chevrolet dealer to complain about your Ford.
Hopefully everyone can find the content that makes them happy :blush:


Since this discussion is no longer focused on the original topic, and some users have resorted to attacking other users instead of discussing ideas, I have turned on slow-mode.

This is a simple reminder to everyone to be polite and respectful. Furthermore, please refrain from using this topic to argue about the MQA format, it’s been done elsewhere countless times. If you don’t have anything useful to say, don’t post.

The moderators will review the thread over the next few hours before taking further action.


Following on from my fellow moderators extremely apt response I have performed a serious clean up of off topic posts.
This thread is now in slow mode which means…think hard before you post!
This is not Facebook, it’s a Roon Support forum and other subjects and matters are gracefully allowed by Roon but there are limits and to those who can’t or will not follow these rules maybe it’s time to take a deep breath and think before you post.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Yes, they don’t seem to be offering the MQA version after the update if they have a hires version available. In another thread someone posted they were listening to a Neil Diamond album in 24/96 MQA. I’m on the early release version and saw these versions available. You can also see my Qobuz options too.

And here’s another example with 12 versions available without MQA being one of them. But the person not on early release is still getting the MQA version.

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