Strange metadata (Adolf Hitler)?

Was giving demo on Roon to a friend of mine. Explaining little bit all the views you can have. Browsing to some genres and subgenres. I this case within spoken word, a genre I normally not visit when I stumbled upon the following Recommended Artist: “Adolf Hitler, If you like South Park

Really ?
Based on which algorithm is this recommended…

Based on one track from MR Hankey

But still weird as it is totally comedy and it is not him, while the photo is serious

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Now this is weird

Reckon also a logical flaw with the latest release where Roon picks up info from Wikipedia where other sources might not hold information. In this case because Adolf Hitler is credited somewhere and reckon not mention on music sources it also gets its own “Artist” page which is filled with very long Wikipedia info, longer almost than any artist info I saw. Is this the metadata we want to see in a music program.

I started this post, just because stumbled upon it and mentioning it out of amazement. But more I poke around it, according me it exposes the kind of behavior which are correct from computer perspective (logical relationships) but which I would not give priority from a human or music lover perspective.

Dear Roon, or smarten the algorithm or install human editors / checkers.
Because also new releases for fans of Adolf Hitler gives me strange taste in my mouth…


Not weird, wrong metadata - it’s simply not AH who is a primary artist on that “O Tannenbaum” track. A weirdness though is that he is listed twice in the credits:

And it’s two different ones:

The “real” one is tagged with Genre “comedy” which is more than unfortunate:

The “real” one has the following Discography for me. The first one, marked in green, is legit. It is a critical & satirical reading of parts of Mein Kampf by the Austrian actor, Helmut Qualtinger. It’s in my library. I had to remove AH manually as Primary Artist though, as he is not - he is the author of the original text. The others in the screenshot I don’t know and I am not inclined to find out :wink:

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Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunately, one of our metadata providers has credited the individual rather than the fictional South Park character. We’ve reached out to get this fixed.


It’s also questionable if fictional characters of this kind should have artist entries. In any case, they should carry some hint that they are not real (e.g. for the second AH in the Southpark release that is not the real AH)

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Perhaps wise to double check if other historical figures which we do not consider as an artist, should not get recommended new releases nor fans of also listings. Perhaps are not even be credited in songs etc.

Because the interface in Roon uses terms which are in my honest opinion not applicable for them. Perhaps there should be different object as “reference” or “uses recordings by” where songs can point to but which are not considered artist, composers, etc. Because if a quickly checked also saw Stalin, Mussolini and you can think of other historical figures present in searches. Luckily they not all get the AH treatment.


Would you mind explaining the connection between Eric Gadd (a popular swedish artist, mainly pop/Blue eyed soul) and AH? And the
other “If you like…” reccy’s as well.

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